Sunday, November 18, 2007

Packerton, IN

I think
this town's main economy
is the county landfill.
Which may also be
the source of it's lawn ornaments.

There are six lawnmowers and
a playground merry-go-round
but the centerpiece would have to be
the Coke machine.

Orange and white
It sits by the roadside
tipped precariously back towards the lawn.

The sign reads:


Edvidence, I think
That I do not want to meet the owner.

That I could probably get a pop for two nickels.

But also
That someone must check this thing daily
that the machine is stocked
and the pop is probably ice cold.

Perhaps I'll contribute to the local economy.

My gloved hands find
Massachusetts, Indiana
and a spare key---
enough to test my theory.

Two clinks and a tap
on ROOT BEER in magic marker
rattle down
a frosty can of Mug.

And I wonder if that means
that those six lawnmowers
would start on the first pull.

a e k


Anonymous said...

Suck it dude- this is my parent's house. Yes, not the prettiest house- but I tell you what. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. I wasn't proud to say this is where I grew up but I probably had more love and compassion from my parents than you'll ever now. How rude to poke at other people. I feel sorry for you that you have nothing better to do than count lawnmowers in my parents yard. And yes sir that pop is ice cold and every one of those mowers will start w/ the first pull. My dad my be what you call "Hillbilly" but he is a great mechanic. So mind your own, dude and leave others alone.

Andy said...

Hi, anonymous.

Thanks for your comment. I mean that, straight up.

If you'll re-read the poem, you'll see that I willing to have an open mind about the place instead of dismissing it completely. Thanks for confirming some of what I was curious about.

If you'd like to dialogue on this, please (a) mind your manners (I'm sure your very nice parents didn't raise you to greet people with "suck it dude," and; (b) don't post anonymously. I'd actually like to talk to you.

All the best,
