Friday, April 13, 2007

Why another blog?

This is something I've been meaning to do for a while now — create a place to lay down the odd thoughts and images that come to mind. Some of them are mine. Some were thought first by others. Some of them... well, we see further by standing on the shoulders of giants, don't we?

I have another blog. It's mainly lighthearted fare, fun stuff for the rest of the family to enjoy — and I have no problem with that. This one's for the artsy-fartsy side of me, the artist-fartist that wants to get out and play a little, write a poem, take bizarre pictures. It won't get updated as often. Only as often as I'm both inspired and have time.

So, welcome. Enjoy, comment, react, be human, be saintly, be sinners — as long as that's what you really are.

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